Address : 13-A Malusog St., UP Village, Contact Numbers: (632) 921-6580 (Landline)
Quezon City 1101, Philippines (63917) 8440012 (Mobile)
Email :
Our Products
…hats, bags, etc. made of indigenous materials such as
-buri -pandan
-raffia -bacbac
-sinamay -buntal
-sabutan -abaca
-bangkuan -cariqumoy
…packing materials also made of indigenous materials
We have been in the business for more than twenty years. We have supplied buyers in the Japan, Korea, Spain,France, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, Sweden, Israel, Uruguay,Venezuela, Argentina, Hong Kong,USA, Australia, Malaysia, etc.
Sombrero de Manila, Inc…
…Committed to give you the best designs and quality.
Experience the utmost service we offer our buyers…